Unfortunately, I can't share everything I'm doing at TAD. (Two of the major projects we've worked on, plus my recent internship with Massive Black Shanghai.) But I do have a great figure painging class with Jon Foster, so here's some of the stuff I've done for it so far.
First project - study of a Jon Foster sculpture. Had fun chiseling brushmarks with this. |
Watercolor. Decided to add my own environment and scenario to make it more of an illustration than just a weekly homework study. |
Another weekly figure assignment, and another time I decided to have fun adding a background. I discovered how to mimic some of Painter's effects in Photoshop with this one. And made it sort of an art deco theme - why not? |
Based on the photography of Peter Hapak. Love his series. (I added the fish though hehe) This was a combination of mostly acrylic (base), some colored pencil, and some light oil as a finish. I'm glad I tried it! |
This was done almost all in acrylic, with some oil. We used the Zorn palette (ivory black, alazirin crimson, yellow ocre, titanium white, burnt sienna, and NO blue!) My own composition but I tried to capture the spirit of Zorn's work. |
Here's my acrylic master copy of Nicolai Fechin. I didn't stress over exact strokes/proportions as I did in capturing the feel, texture, and brush style. I think I learned a lot from this! |
Process, featuring my monster palette knife - like, favorite tool evar! |
Original painting. |
30 min limited value watercolor. |
60 min limited value watercolor. |
Bougereau crop master copy in oil pastel. This was super-challenging because I only had black, white, and a blender - no gray oil pastels! Lots of finger smudging! I may go in and fix some areas digitally, like making it more subtle. |
Your paintings are absolutely phenomenal.
You continue to impress. Great work! I really like the warm shadows.
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